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vw golf R32?

hi hope someone can help me with my 07 plate R32,the problem iam having is when I accelerate hard in first gear it jumps out of gear .I have tried holding it into first ,but no matter how hard I try ,it still jumps there some kind of adjustment I can make or will it need a new box.thnx in the engine has been chipped ,and has all the usual mods ,has the extra bhp killed the gear box?
mossy, October 2011
hi ,just like to add if I may.try this =select first then remove the selector shaft from the selector arm ,you will have to tie the shaft up or simply remove,and test drive ,obviously you will only have first gear . now the selector arm cannot be acted upon by other forces ,if car jumps out of gear now ,then the fault must be associated with the gear box.if all ok then I would go for the gear stick ,most likely be non standard ,if its a short shift the design may not suit.

mech monster, October 2011
thanx for all the help.

mossy, October 2011
I found the reason for the cutouts! it's so you can find out which make of clutch is fitted??

The DSG is'nt the code of the g/box just the type, but that owners site should be able to help you

nigel, October 2011
thanx for the help nigel ,I can only assume the open housing is to show off the aluminum flywheel and brightly painted clutch ,honestly why it serves no purpose .thanx for the site ,cheers m8.

mossy, October 2011
hi,its got DSG apex and it has what looks like ratios stamped below it .

mossy, October 2011
Have a look on this forum, it's free to join

nigel, October 2011
Can you see the code on the g/box? it's by the selector shaft, should be three letters, I have the dealers manual on disc and none of them show a cutout so that you can see the clutch???

nigel, October 2011
thanks for the reply,ok checked selector cables and selector arm ,first is engaging fully with no excessive play and all gears can be selected easy without no play before selecting,hope that makes sense .yes its only jumping out of first when I boot it,its ok in second or third and it doesn't jump out if iam easy on it ,just annoying when you want that fast start off , and it scared the hell out of me the first time it did it .another thing I noticed is where the gb mounts to the engine the whole of the housing is open ie cut away so you can see the fly wheel and clutch ,so iam beginning to think its the wrong gearbox,my first thought was a smashed housing but on closer inspection it looks like its designed that way.not had car that long and the guy who I bought it off ownes a garage and the work he has done on it is to a high standard .

mossy, October 2011
The snapped exhaust mount would tend to indicate the engine is moving more than it should, the gearbox mount that looks like a "dogs bone" is the most common to fail, the torque of the engine is far more than you can apply by hand, have you checked the selector cables for excessive play? and the lever on the gearbox that the cables attach too?

Is it only jumping out of gear under heavy acceleration? OK with normal? The gearbox's are'nt the best in the world but it's normally jumping out of top that's the problem

nigel, October 2011
engine and gb mounts all seem to be in good order ,looks like they have been replaced with some kind of after market ones ,yellow rubber,did however notice a snapped exhaust mount ,so double checked mounts ,tight as a gnats chuff.what ya think gear box?.

mossy, October 2011
ahh thanks for that I will check ,got car on ramps now, minus fronf spoiler trim,wifie was supposed to be watching aggggh useless lol.

mossy, October 2011
Have you checked the engine & gearbox mounts?? as the extra power could be causing the engine to move more than normal under acceleration

nigel, October 2011
link Click here to see other fixes for Golf.