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Does a 2004 VW Golf need to have antifreeze added for winter?

The vehicle just moved to the E. Coast from California. It has never been in freezing temperatures before. Does it need any changes to the cooling system, or is are the stock liquids made to operate under winter conditions? No leaks or abnormal readings apparent.
Mark, October 2011
Hello Mark. You are correct. Modern vehicles are filled with an anti-freeze coolant which acts as a corrosion inhibitor too.

If you've had it professionally maintained with the coolant renewed at the correct intervals then you should be OK for the winter.

All the best, Ron

ChicksFan, October 2011
Thank you for your answer. The car has been maintained regularly, including coolant refresh. I'm getting the sense that antifreeze is included in all modern cooling systems, even where it's not really needed for winter conditions, i.e. California.

Mark, October 2011
At 7 years old your coolant is overdue for renewal.

I am in the UK and we are already getting frost in the mornings. Don't risk wrecking your engine for the sake of a few dollars worth of new anti-freeze.

ChicksFan, October 2011
link Click here to see other fixes for Golf.