If you have a SATA drive, there is NO jumper to set. It only accept a single drive per cable.
If it's an ATA drive, the best thing is to set it to "Cable sellect" mode. That way, it's master/slave status is determined by it's location on the ribon connector cable.
Next, when you start the computer, you need to open the BIOS configuration and have it detect the new drive.
Once detected by the BIOS and the OS is running, you probably need to format it. You need to format it as NTFS with default cluster size.
I recomend that you place at least part of your page file on this drive and give it a fixed dimention of about 2x your installed RAM. It's to be done before you put anything else on the drive to get the best performance possible.
Once it's formated, you only need to sellect a location on it when you install something.
I recomend creating a "Games" folder on it. You should also create some other folders for various other applications and personal datas.
You also can tranfert the various "My..." folders to the new drive.
Right-click the folder you want to move and drag it to the new drive. You'll have the choice to copy or move, sellect "Move" and wait for the move to complete. It can take some time...
Electro, November 2011