My 1996 Dodge Caravan won't start after making a copy of its key?
We need help...We went to the local hardware store to make a copy of the 1996 Dodge Caravan key (the original has a black handle). When we went outside to make sure the key worked, the car would not start. Everything turns on like normal but NO engine starting. I called the Dodge dealership, they sd tow it and for $65.00 they would diagnose it and then charge again to fix it...I can't belive they want almost $100.00 for a copy of a key AND wouldn't the local hardware store know which keys can have a copy made (a mistake I hope doesn't cost us a forture). Please help if you know anything...our car is in a parking lot...waiting.
In other words the originial key has a computer chip in it just below the black handle,and the copy you made is just a plain jane key,go and get the 100.00 one if you really need a copy., January 2005
Sounds as though the original key has a electronic tag/immobiliser inside it... which the new copied one wont have......... some manufacturers (ie FORD, SUZUKI) also have this system.... and usually issue a 'Master' key which is sometimes coloured RED.... and is used to program new keys .... which unfortunately have to be issued from the manufacturer..... etc etc
If you get a new key supplied from the manufacturer, what you normally have to do is use the red key first in the vehicle.... then with a specific series of turns of the key then insert the 'copy' which will then become programmed for your vehicle....
Clarify if this is the case with your dealer........ hope this helps