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Can the automatic folding of the door mirrors be swiitched off?

My fiesta automatically folds the door mirrors in when I lock the car. Can this feature be dissabled?
Quinncy, December 2011
There are two relays in the main fusebox inside the car, top left is the fold relay and bottom right is the unfold relay pull these out and problem solved!! or main dealer to have it deprogrammed from the body control computer around £100 +vat!!!

nigel, December 2011
Dealer or cut wire

Zak, December 2011
So how is it dissabled then?

Quinncy, December 2011
grease them up to stop water freezing assuming that's what it is?

Zak, December 2011
Sticking in cold weather

quinncy, December 2011
it can be stopped but why would you want to???

Zak, December 2011
link Click here to see other fixes for Fiesta.