Acorn please remember something that you are forgetting, Despite that wealth of experience that we have between us, Mr and Mrs Joe Public must know a lot more than we do, because they never listen, I would love to have the time and list all the stupid questions im asked down the phone,
eg My mains is off and my battery isnt connected yet my sounder still operates, So it must be faulty.
Your a wise old Acorn mate, but you are never ever going to win on here, They know best,
Last week i had a call-LB was coming up on the display of a 9800, The Gent tried to tell me it was his Lower Basement detector, call yourself an engineer you havent got a clue he said. I just said eventually the penny will drop and you will have to change your battery, ha ha ha he said.
Acorn we know nothing, they know everything.
Nick a clue-less engineer with 27 years experience with Scantronic panels
Nick, January 2012