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New home memory craft 6000 won't run?

My New Home Memory Craft 6000 won't run, It powers on, but when I push the pedal it doesn't run, It makes a slight sound like it wants to but nothing happens. It is not locked up the machine works manually. Do you have any idea what might be wrong with it. I bought a new foot pedal thinking that might be the problem, but it wasn't. It is and old machine , and was expensive in its day, wondering if it would be worth having repaired. Thanks Loretta
Loretta, February 2012
fuse underneath

ALLY, July 2022
if you feel up to it you can try and open machine,locate motor and see if you can find the brushes,some motors got a screw like nut you can open to look at state of brushes.motors are easy and not to expensive to replace. good luck!!

johan, February 2012