How can I fix my aquatronic2?

water is leaking from clear plastic tube at base of unit, other websites suggest it is prd needs replacing. Question is could I fix this myself or is it a job for a plumber? Triton say they have the part that needs replacing so its just a case of can i fix it.
lynn hollas, October 2006

the problem you have is the pressure release valve has popped . It is a rubber ball in a plastic tube . This ball pops out releasing water when you kink the hose or use the wrong type of shower head. to change it should be a ten minute job when you have the correct parts

tmceasyfit, April 2011
if you could do it you wouldn't be asking. if you can isolate the water , electric give it a go.

hi-spec plumbing, October 2006
link Click here to see other fixes for Triton.