Fisher & Paykel GW601 spin problem?
Would greatly appreciate help with this washing machine. I replaced the rotor position sensor after machine stopped working. I forget the error code but it pointed to the RPS and the machine worked OK after the replacement. There were traces of water in the motor (and spin was noisy) so I then had the bearings/seal/shaft replaced. The bearing job was done at a reputable repair shop after I stripped the machine down myself and delivered them the outer bowl (minus motor). I didn't try removing the bearings myself. I have reassembled it all and the problem is the machine won't spin. Fill, water levels, agitate, water pump, clutch engagement all seem fine. Instead of spinning after the water has pumped out, the motor momentarily oscillates the inner bowl to left then right then left etc at 2 second intervals for 2 minutes. All this time the pump is running. After about 5 X 2 minute cycles of this activity I get an error code 40 saying clutch or pressure tube problem. But these seem fine. How likely is it that the motor controller has a problem ? I've already spent $NZ300 !
David, February 2012