cutting that wire is the previous owners poor/failed attempt,
you are going to have to spend money on mods,
check this out.......
. I have done it and 55mph is easily done.
For added performance get the head too.
For even more performance use this camshaft.
Of course you also need a larger jet.
Junk the standard airfilter box and put this on instead.
Last mod is to drill 4 12mm holes in the backplate of the silencer can where the outlet pipe comes out.
Thes mods will give you around 55 maybe 60mph.
I did it to my Chinese scoot and it goes off the end of the speedo (50mph) and keeps going about another inch. That would be around 60mph.
Course it doesn't get 120mpg any more, but it does still manage about 80mpg
LOL now your eyes really start to water :)
Paul racing, March 2012