I don't know what i have changed my code to!?
I tried to change my user code,I pressed PROG,entered my current code, but I did not read the intructions right and didn't key the number '8' I entered the new code 5689, the alarm went off, I just kept entering numbers and eventually the alarm stopped. I reset it, then keyed in 5689 but again the alarm went off. I tried entering my old code but the alarm still went off.Basically I have no idea what i have done, i think i must have chnaged the code but i don't know what to. When I key in the first 3 numbers of my origianl code the alarm starts bleeping, so could it be those 3 numbers plus one other that I don't know yet. Would the alarm code have changed even when I didn't enter the '8'? Please help.
Angie-Harrassed, April 2012