Note 1:A new o-ring (rubber seal)should be used when re-fitting.
Note 2 : If you a renewing the thermostat , the complete cover and thermostat must be renewed as they can not be seperated.
1. remove the hose attatched to the bottom of the radiator to drain the system. Once drained, replace and tighten.
2.remove the radiator top hose from the thermostat cover.(located on the upper left side of the engine if faced from the front of the car).
3. unscrew and remove the cover retaining bolts (3) and withdraw the complete assembly.
4. Fitting is a reversal of removal. up the cooling system and run the engine to normal operating temp when the fan should come on.
6.Let the engine cool down and then check for leaks an check the coolant level.
Craig, November 2006