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The knob on my cooker has free spin?

The knob on my cooker has free spin so I am never sure it I'd at correct temperature. Can I mend it myself it's a Bosch hbn13m551b-01
Sarah taylor, May 2012
The knob is replaceable by yourself, it just pulls off and a new one pushes on. Reasons for free wheeling are :- the sleeve of the knob being split where it grips the shaft, or the small spring steel insert in the end of the sleeve fallen out (if knob falls off easily look in hole in facia for a small square clip if so refit it in end of knob sleeve and you wont need to replace knob ), If not these probs there is also a very small coupler further in the mechanism which can break but you would need engineer to replace that one .Cheers

Kenjo, May 2012
link Click here to see other fixes for Bosch.