Absolute b------ from SD again, thought he had left for good, but obviously not.
1. If you have 'used up the number of tries at entering the code' this and the majority of panels will lock out for a few minutes not allowing any more key presses. Leaving it alone for 5mins then starting again usually gets over that problem.
2. I'd suggest the battery might be at fault here. Unfortunately you don't know the history of the system, the battery might be 6,8,10, 20 years old. Yes I have found them that old. They should be replaced at a Max of 5Yrs.
3. I think I could count on one hand the number of different control panels that can be defaulted to factory settings in the way mentioned by SD.
The Accord xpx, is not one of them.
I'm sorry but I will not give out defaulting information in a Public Q&A Forum
Even if you had the correct infirmation you would then need the Programming Manual, and to understand the terminology and how to complete the programming.
Suggest you get someone in.
SD knows nothing about alarm systems & just pops up here every now and again thinking he's 'the bees knees' of alarm information.
All he does is give incorrect information and no help, because he has no idea.
acorn, June 2012