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How do I get the motor to work?

The light turns on but the motor won't work the foot goes up and down easy enough and the wheel turns around. This machine is practically brand new hasn't hardly been used.
Marilyn, October 2012
What model number is your machine ?

Sewman, October 2012
hard to say without more info,some models got separate fuse for motor,motor could have damaged cause of exessive strain while thread was entangeled,any decent techno would be able to assist without to much cash involved,also try and listen if you may be can hear motor running then it could be a broken belt.sorry cant be off more help but call if you got more info then we try again

johan, October 2012
It's a brother ! No and I'm a very experienced seamstress! My 2 yr old granddaughter could of pushed on the foot for a while and got the thread tangled into it but I don't know if that has anything to do with it. It so strange to me. Done a lot of sewing in my time and don't know why this would happen.

Marilyn, October 2012