I'm Shady Palestine Make Maintenance Technician special hardware electronic and Laptop I loved working out aHP Pavilion dv6500 device does not work permanently have examined the entrance fallow Fujth 19 volt starting Mosvet no PQ16 (BA7VIS) Vogt inside 18 volts and 29 volts and abroad 18 volts
ICI Maxim No. 8724 graduated 5 volts 3.3 volts
Mosvet NO PD 1110 home 18 volts abroad 4.3 volts
Mosvet inside 18 volts and abroad 4.9
ICI Maxim 8770 entry 18 volts do not go out any volts of any man-legged ICI
ICI NO. KB3926Q is responsible for opening and closing the device share of the voltage on the legs Vogt that the highest volts is 3.3 only exists
IC No. sil 6236 There are 19 volts and exit 5 volts and 3.3 volts