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Can the shaft on a Janome sewing machine be replaced or repaired?

I have a Janome 4623 LE Plus sewing machine. My foot got tangled in the cord and I pulled it off my desk. It hit the floor on the right side where the knobs are. I'm pretty sure it bent the shaft because the wheel is hard to turn. I need to know if the shaft can be repaired or replaced. Thanks
Melissa, December 2012
Thanks for your advice. I took my machine to a qualified technician and the shaft was not bent. Some metal piece connected to the wheel was bent just a little bit. He took a hammer and straightened it out. It works great now. He didn't even charge me anything! I did give him something for his time though.

Melissa, March 2013
it is possible that the main shaft just moved,by using copper drift and hammer you can try and move shaft little to right to see it it will help loosening shaft.most technicians will tell you to get rid off machine cause of the labour involved replacing this not so expensive shaft,depending where you live it is possible to find a good cheap techno that can save you money.also tap little on the bush close to the handwheel

johan, December 2012