I do not like to criticise other garages as they may well have good reasons for renewing your cat,but I take it was put onto a relevant code reader to check your warning light,if you do a lot of town driving then this can also affect the fault you are describing and firstly i would have given the motor a good long run in low gears with high revs to get the exhaust very hot and try and burn off excess deposits in your particulate filter in your exhaust,if this failed then a forced regeneration may have been needed which involves the correct code reader again and have seen exhausts glowing red hot when this is done and should only be done on a good concrete surface as it can melt tar.If this was done at a peugeot workshop then I think they should have the correct equipment to do this and why they changed the cat i don`t know,all you can do is ask them but i know it is a very common problem,especially French cars,if you do a lot of short journeys then I would be wary of buying a motor with this system on.I wish you luck with your repair.
cdc, April 2013