The machine has two discount buttons (%1 and %2) you are probably only using one of them, so you are most likely going to program the %1 button. The trick is to understand the table. See in the programming line it mentions N1 N2 N3. This means 3 numbers that you get by looking at the table. N1 is tax status. If you only have one tax on the machine, then tax1=yes=1 so for N1 you would press 1. I'm assuming you want the button to discount rather than add a percentage, and you want it open so negative=0 open=2. you add these and get a result of 2 for N2. N3 is how it is applied. You need to decide if you want to discount just one item in the sale (item) or the complete sale (sale). You want a percentage, so percentage=0 and you want the key to be active so active=0. Therefore, you will have N3 as 1 or 0 depending upon the item or sale discount. Now put the three numbers you have for N1 N2 N3 into the programming sequence as you enter it. If you get the wrong result when you try it in REG mode, just go back and program it again with a different number for N1 N2 or N3. Thats how we techs learn too :) Hope this helps
Registerman, April 2013