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empisal s4d overlocker?

It forms chains with only the cotton. In but when I work on the fAbric it does not pick the 2 bottom threads up( the green and yellow)looper
Angie, July 2013
Hi. I want to purchase a second Hand S4D Overlocker . The main use is for Denims and Lace. I get mostly negative feedback on this overlocker. I need her to produce in Bulk, cannot afford to purchase something that will give me a headache in the end. Any advice out there please..
Regards Karen

Karen, July 2021
I thought it Might be blunt or slightly bent needles

Angie, August 2013
Thanks for advice Johan but I thought naybe it is the needles that is blunt or slightly bend etc

Angie, August 2013
not sure what is the main problem but sound like looper timing and needle timing may be out.this is not a 123 job for someone that's never done it before cause all must be in syncro before you will get proper stitching.tension also play a vital role when thread is not picked up to form chain.only suggestion is to find service manual or find someone with same machine to try and figure out where what must move or save yourself trouble and get a good tecno in your area.maybe if I know your position I can get you in touch with someone

johan, July 2013