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what temperature should GHD straighteners get?

I need to know what size thermal fuse I should use to replace a damaged one?
Kevin, November 2006
the fuse is rated at 206 c it can be purchased on ebay for 89p
it doesnt come in a ceramic block . i potted mine in car exhaust cement it works i have repaired quite a few pairs now

ian., March 2008
We took our broken one apart. Fuse was blown. Using a penknife we scraper the cement away and the fuse is rated 216 deg C and 250V.
We plan to get a 228deg C fuse from Maplin's and mount it in the mould and put in thermal cement around it. It should work..
if you need pic's just e-mail me at nickmorgan1@eircom.net

Nick Morgan, September 2007
Could someone say for sure what size the thermal fuse is please?.I got the highest rated fuse i could get from Maplins (240) and it didnt work?.

Maureen, January 2007
The original ghd fitted thermal fuse is rated at 206 degrees celcius and cast into some form of ceramic block which is held in place beneath the bottom plate. The fuses themselves are easy to source however not within a ceramic block. If anyone knows where these can be obtained I would be very grateful. Please get i touch at gav@ggk.karoo.co.uk

Gavin, December 2006
I dont know where you get 102 degrees C from. That is barely above boiling point.
To get an estimate as to how hot they get, I tested them with some tin/lead solder that melts at 180 degrees C. Whilst it didnt melt it, it did soften it. On this basis I would estimate their temperature as around 160 degrees C.
Hence, on this basis a fuse of about 190 degrees C should be OK. However, if you know where to get one from, please let us know!

Michael H, December 2006
102 degrees celcius, rated at 2 Amps.

Will, December 2006