the electricity company has informed me that there will be a break in supply on 23/10/13 for several hours. this will affect my alarm and I can`t reset my code if this happens as I`ve forgotten my origional code. Could you tell me if there is a way to reset the code/alarm when this happens? NOT VERY TECHNICAL, SORRY.
Don't get over technical guys.
Who mentioned a battery?.
Well that's way way technical, :)
Maggs,suggest you call a pro out,he can give it a code of your choice,one that you will always remember.
Hi Nick, how's tricks. :)
e manno, October 2013
I bet she never had it serviced for years nick,welcome back
gts, October 2013
Well in my eyes " several hours" will be about 9 hours probably not even that why don't you stop what you are saying and without sounding rude by a flaming battery for it !!