Disconnect battery -ve lead.
Apply handbrake, jack up front, support on axle stands or similar.
Remove undershield if applicable.
Slacken & remove retaining nuts and disconnect wiring from starter motor solenoid (recover the washers - don't lose them).
The 3 mounting bolts are through the bottom flange of the starter motor where it meets with the engine casting. Undo them, supporting the starter motor as the bolts are withdrawn. Recover the washers and note the locations of any wiring or hose brackets secured by the bolts.
Manoeuvre the starter motor out from underneath the engine and recover the locating dowels from the motor/transmission as applicable.
Refitting is the reverse of removal, ensuring that any locating dowels are correctly positioned. Also ensure that any wiring or hose brackets are in place under the bolt heads as noted prior to removal.
Reconnect the -ve battery lead last.
ChicksFan, November 2013