Anyone know how clear a possible airlock to my hotwater taps?

My cold water pressure is fine but the hot water taps in the kitchen and bathroom splutter at first with a few seconds of good water pressure. This is then reduced to a very slow. Someone said it sounds like an airlock.
Anyone know how to fix it?
Warren, January 2005

the easiest way is to fit a short length of hose across hot & cold taps then turn on hot tap then cold...the mains pressure will force all air out into tank in roof...better still if you feel capable is to put a washing machine hose across two washing machine taps and do are less lightly to get wet !

plumbob, January 2005
Will try. Thanks.

Warren, January 2005
connect a pipe from hot tap to cold tap turn on both let it run cold will fill the line

eamno, January 2005