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Why dont the 3 lights on the fridge door work?

The 3external lights on the fridge door have always been on but they have stopped glowing. when the door is opened the green light is flashing but the other two do not. The green flashes are not bright enough to be seen when the door is closed. Is it major or what are the alternative remedies?
Kevin, June 2014
I have had the same ponderings and I would love to find some sort of manual or data sheet. In the meantime the Green light means that it is working and at the set point. You can test that by turning the set point up and down and the green will go off and the red will come on. The red light means that it is working but is not cold enough to reach the set point. The orange light is a mystery - it is turned on /off by the switch next to it but I have yet to see any actual effect. Maybe it initiates a defrost cycle??

Tom, July 2014