I have two of these vehicles in my family (1998 and 1998 Vectras)and they have both developed stalling problems, usually while idling at red lights or slowing down. I have been told all sorts or things that it might be and would have had to pay for some clown to hunt around for the problem. I looked myself, and to my surprise, it was the same problem on both vehicles. There is a connection with 2 wires running to it, the wires get too hot and the insulation disintegrates, causing the 2 bare wires to short and the engine fails. The connection is about 6 inches to the rear of the yellow oil filler cap, just to the right of the valve on the fuel rail. You will need some heat resistant tape and tape the wires up separately before binding them and keeping them as far from heat as possible. Hope I was of some help. BTW, the orange enginefault light is still on, but who really cares? Good luck.
Peter C, January 2012