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baumatic dishwasher bwd13 7 year old?

E3 code, water not heating, only 30 something volts to element. checked sensors, element, & relay on pcb
roger hancock, May 2015
What does the pressure switch do?
Mine is not heating the water but I think it is because the water is not filling up to cover the heating element. What could cause this to happen?

Shah, December 2015
How exactly did you take the voltage reading? How did you test the element, sensor & relay on PCB? If you don't give all the info in as much detail as possible we can't know what to advise as we are not there to see what you are doing.i.e. you may be reading the voltage in an incorrect way giving you a false reading.

Lincoln Appliance NZ, May 2015
have you checked the pressure switch?

gts, May 2015
link Click here to see other fixes for Baumatic.