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crftsman rear tine tiller m#917294482 wheels not engaging. tines engage?

I dont think my Tiller qualifies as a lawn mower but its not any of the things on the list so i put it here. And..Since theres no room for my question in the box where it says to type it..which seems typically hokey along the lines of this entire ordeal that should be simple. ..i will ask it here and probably not get an answer..the tines engage and turn solid..the wheels just stopped engaging after it suddenly jumped around and backed up knocking me on my but and sticking in reverse when the shift lever was still in forward till.. thank god for that guard that i almost removed to get down deeper but didnt. Then it went limp..the tines work and engage and disengage as normal but the whewls are no longer powered forward or reverse..i lifted it and theres no sign of any sort of contact going on with the wheels..they spin freely when pushed but even in gear they are neutral..pushing them with it on blocks and in gear lever down they were free and no sign of contact inside. The gearbox diagram only shows one chain inside..not two like all these solutions i called sears directly..nothing i called craftsman direct.. and nobody can give me any info one way or the do i tear it apart when no solid info seems to exist on this machine..when even the parts dealers dont know if theres one or two chains inside..or do i buy a mule and strap this chunk of expensive tin to its back and weld a bicycle seat to the handlebars and know i wont have the same problem again? What can you do when nobody knows whos supposed to know? (Theres two ways you could read that last sentence..i meant it both ways!)
NotGettingAnswers, March 2016
Just to state the post was 90% questions with the facts of what info was /wasnt made available to me. I broke down the machine..there i found the unlisted chain..which(and take this as a complaint if thats your thing) amounts to a bicycle chain that obviously was stressed from the amount of play in the wheels due to the flexing of the casing which is (dare i say) extremely thin..observe the parts list...observe your own answer ..then observe the facts..there is a beefed up chain that drives the tines and then theres the so called "clutch" chain or as sears insists "shaft"..when is a chain a shaft you ask? When you buy a craftsman! I called sears and attempted to order one..they denied its existance even with the grease covered chain in my hand and would only sell me a replacement for the tine chain or a new fully assembled box and "drive shaft" ??? The local tractor and equipment repair shop guys recognized the greasy little chain before i opened my mouth...they said, "thats a craftsman tiller drive chain you'll have to go to a gocart repair shop for that..gocart..not motorcycle" so the gocart shop made it. Problem solved. Call it complaining if you want..its really just funny and a tad pathetic. But theres the facts.

NotGettingAnswers, March 2016
There will be a clutch that connects the drive wheels to the engine - from what you say - it's defective.

Probably best to take it to a repair shop - or have someone call.

Alternatively you can attempt to repair it yourself - have courage.

Complaining about it - as you do at length - gets you nowhere.

As for your *two ways to take that sentence* - I did not understand either.

Good Luck..., March 2016
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