Anyone understand controls on Scandinovia 6ft plus, freezer ith fridge?
We have a Scandinovia Fridge freezer. It has separate compressors for fridge and freezer. Do not have the manual. Freezer has been running too cold for ages. Perhaps always. I flipped a swich at top of frame of FrdgeFreezer from "S" to "O", in trying TO NORMALISE THINGS.
After few hous checked and a red warning light was on, above the switch I moved. Freezer was not very cold. So i switched the sliding switch back to S. Temperature for freezer is set to mid point, no 5. Freezer is not freezing new things though nothing defrosting after 24 hours.
The machine is making a sort of ignition switch growl ever two ot three minutes.
Does anyone own a Scandinova and know what the dials mean? Brand no longer sold in UK.cant find a manual. HELP, HELP Please. We love the unit. Its very tall and was perfect.
Wens, April 2016