oven not working?
okay sorry, i do not know the model number but the oven is a built in oven made by samsung. i know power is getting to the oven because the red switch on the wall leads to a connection on the wall which has 2 separate wired connections one to the oven the other to the hob, which is working, so unless there is a fuse inside the oven itself which i would never suspect. i undone the cover on the wall and there appears to be no loose wires, and i pulled the oven out and could see no loose wires and i shook the wiring to no affect to see if it did light up if a connection was made, although i did not undo the back of the oven itself, so that is why i say something inside the oven itself has packed up. maybe it has just served its time and i need a new oven, but if not i would appreciate any help.
patrick charles, March 2017