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Will it be good idea to take help from online gardening services?

I want to make some changes in my garden like grass trimming, weed removal, adding few more plants etc. in short I want to renovate my garden. So I asked my friend for help she recommended me this online site who provide gardening services. But I am confused, will it be good idea to take help from online gardening services?
Zoe Macrossan, April 2017
They're a commercial organisation - they will want to sell you their services - you can always ask them to call round - listen to your needs and give you a quote.

Alternatively you can ask a neighbour - one with a nice garden. Or use a garden related social media site.

Will it be a good idea?

Your decision based on how much money you might want to spend and how much work you're prepared to do - but above all - the scale and scope of the changes you envisage.

Good Luck..., April 2017