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My F&P ED 56 dryer fan ?

rubs against the front circular vent Having asked F&P and almost everyone how I get that vent out
and no one wants to know. Does anyone know ??
Peter, January 2018
thank you everyone for your help. I found a utube video by AlexDoesDIY where he showed how to strip the unit down and once I knew that it was easy.
It turned out that these drums are a little out of concentric so the Drum was rubbing against the back of the fan I moved it towards the grill 1/4" there was actually a fair amount of room and it works fine. The other Utube video was useless it suggested they could fix everything on a dryer it was car crushing yard.

Thankful or Grateful Peter, February 2018
Thanks very much for your answer F&P say it is not meant to come out but I can try your method. The fan looks more like an impellor is catching the edge of the grill. Fan has no real adjustment as it is squeezed between the drum and grill. I have a picture from the internet. Which I would add in here if I could. I think the problem was there when we bought the unit and the fan seemed to adjust. However we haven't used it since we bought it years ago till the other day. It was only a stand by when we bought it with a washing machine I thought it was 5 or 6 years old F&P tell me longer ?
Your help is much appreciated it seemed as if NO one was interested at all.

Peter, January 2018
It just turns until you find a spot where it will come out. Usually very stiff to turn and need something as leverage. If it breaks buy a new vent cover. Not that expensive. More importantly is why you want it out. What are you hoping to achieve? If you think about the problem logically, the vent can't move closer to the turning fan. The fan can come loose and move forward until it touches the vent,so the problem would be caused by the motor side not the vent. I would be taking the motor out and inspecting the fan and seeing if it can be moved back slightly on the shaft. It is only held on shaft with a grub screw.

Lincoln Appliance NZ, January 2018