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Bottom element in the oven Defy 600 slimline - build-in stove?

The bottom element is not working. Must it be replace or is there a fuse that need to be replace. The rest of the oven is working.

If it is a fuse that need to be replace, where can I find the fuses in the stove
Schalk, September 2020
Stoves & ovens do not have a fuse for each element. One element not working would not be a fuse issue. The only way to find out why that element is not working is to test. First test the element with a multimeter, if it is ok then check and test the wiring is ok and not damaged, lastly check if power is getting to the element when it is switched on, again using a multimeter. If you don't have a test meter or know how to fault find then call out a service company.

Lincoln Appliance NZ, September 2020