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How can I fix my GHD straighteners?

I took my GHDs on holiday to France with me in the Summer and after 5-10 minutes of use they stopped working, and coincidently a second pair of straighteners of mine stopped working in the same place the year before. Now with the GHDs they do not heat up and the light comes on when you plug the straighteners in (but not necessarily switch the straighteners on) and when you push the plates together?

Does anybody have any idea what could be the problem and how to fix it?

Or does anybody know anywhere that fixes this problem at a reasonable price with quick return?

Thank you
Vicky Chapman, January 2007
oh ive just checked every email and msn and ive not even fixed ghds for anyone with the initials es.so can you identify yourself and i also ask people to send recorded delivery to me can you put up your 12 digit royal mail slip number so the whole world can check if i even received them or that you are a total liar ..if its my fault and you have a diiferent name then tell me and il check my 12 digit number but at the moment i dont know who E.S is ..thanks tony m

tony m honest ghd repairer, January 2007
ive sent back every pair ..tell me who you are if ive got your there must be a reason ..have you paid ?only couple of days ago i had to remind 5 people who have not paid as i dont send back till payment has been made and cleared ..if your going to slate me at least have the balls to put your full name up your either not a customer but some1 who wants me to fail , 2 not paid yet , 3 ive not even recieved them ..come on what gives ???????????????????????????

tony m, January 2007
Do not send them to Tony M because he does not send them back to you!!!

es, January 2007
contact tony m at mrfire@fsmail.net

tony m, January 2007