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heater not working on my renault cleo?

heater on my L reg renault cleo does not blow hot air,
baz, January 2007
Common problem is in the fan switch.
If you are not hearing the fan blow then its the switch.
Im having this problem myself and need a wiring plan so I can bypass it and hard wire it on.
What happens on a lot of these is the main voltage pin on the connector melts and wont pass current.

Greg Knight, December 2007
Do you have water in the radiator resevoir? (usually a discoloured clear bottle with a black cap and a black rubber strap in the engine bay.) You can't make a cup of tea without putting water in the kettle...lol

if not fill up to required level. Next, allow the excess air out of what looks like a dust cap on the highest hose in the engine bay. Also try this even if there seems to be enough water in the system. You could have an air lock in the pipes.... air tends to get trapped at the highest points and can't escape creating an air lock. This needs to be done when the engine is warm and the water system has built up pressure. (be careful the water/air will be hot) If air does come out don't forget to top the bottle back up to the right level.

Worst case scenario, If there is still no heat you should change the thermostat (they're not expensive & it doesn't take too long) which is located between the engine block and a silver coloured metal ball type joint joining a large water hose to the front of the engine block, allow the engine to cool, undo this at the engine side (i.e the bolts not the hose) and the thermostat is a gold ring type object with a spring inside, you will lose some water but don't worry. change the thermostat. Refit the joint making sure it is water tight. Follow the above instructions, top up reservoir & free any air lock once refitted etc, and you should now have heat. :o)


Moz, January 2007
link Click here to see other fixes for Renault.