hi i have a 2000 speedfight 50 cc ive just bought it as a non runner
well it does run for a couple of seconds then cuts out but will start again straight away and cuts out.if i connect the battery it wont run at all could this be the immobiliser if yes how can i cure it ?
thank you
i have the same problem az TOM with my speedfight 2 05 reg wen i blow through the petrol pipe it runs and the longer i blow the longer it run's for but we i rev it it uts str8 away why???? help some 1 thaks
Lee, April 2008
I had the same problems with my vivacity 50cc. I found blocked slow running jet (Next to main jet) cleaned it with a small needle. Good as new now.
Paul in Cyprus, August 2007
it wont be the immobiliser .more likely to be a fuel problem clean the carb out and the jets in it and put new petrol in it.