Desparate and almost broke?
I got laid off about a month ago. Applied to relocate in a city 220 miles away, drove up there and to cut a long story short, got the job.
Now,my van broke down (listed on this web page)
Am waiting for my tax rebate. Not much. better than nothing Could take 6 weeks more.
Living with girl friend FREE.
gotta get up there to new job in a week. For orientation.
Once up there will start work, but wont get paid for 2 weeks (the usual stuff).
DONT want to commute 400 miles a day.
Gotta find a place to live(remember, almost broke).
So, I gotta lie, beg, steal, or borrow (more chance of getting struck by lightning).
SO, any one got any bright ideas?
Dudley, March 2007