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why does my nokia 3310 keep switching off?

why does my nokia 3310 keep switching off, and when the battery low level indicator is displayed if i put it on charge for a minute or so the indicator shows battery fully charged.
I have tried a new battery.
Rick, January 2005
Is it a Nokia 3310 brick or a newer 3310?

Nokia, November 2024
Rick, I had a 6610 (but now I have a 3310). The 6610 kept shutting itself off at times. It's a contact problem. the switch is loose. Open up it's insides, change a battery or take the battery out and put it back in and see what happenes. Chances are it will be better. If not, live with it, I'm afraid. Only a specialist can fix it.

Geray, January 2008
why does my nokia 3310 keep switching off, and when the battery low level indicator is displayed if i put it on charge for a minute or so the indicator shows battery fully charged.
I have tried a new battery.

Raja, December 2005
my 3310 done it.all of them say the battery is full after a minute of charge. leave it on charge for a good 3 hours even if it says batteryfull.mine was swithching off to i got a new battery it was fine after that.try charging it first.

dan, February 2005
There is a fault within the phone thats causing your battery to drain it may be worth using a different charger as it may be on it way out it will have to go to yr local nokia sevice dealer

darkangel, January 2005
link Click here to see other fixes for Nokia 3310.