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How can I clean my steam Iron will vinagar work?

Iron is leaking from steam holes and there is a whit calcium deposits arond holes
Alvin Scott, April 2007
Vinegar is acidic... and will only exacerbate the existing internal corrosion ..I know it's tempting to think in terms of a counter solution pH-wise , as you can see a calcium deposit, which is due to the mineral content of your local water... but last thing you want is to add an acidic soltion to the generator..I saw a reference here somewhere to materials used by Home-Brew kits.... dont know if they are succesful or not , but they would be less corrosive for sure. If you do get the unit cleaned up , I suggest you in future , use a mix 50/50 at least, of your local tapwater, and distilled water

Kendo, April 2008