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How do you remove cover for Twist & Trim RTE115c?

how do you remove the cover for "Twist and Trim" weedeater model RTE115c ?
Sheila, April 2007
Have no idea ...trying to find out myself !!!

COCO LOCO, February 2009
you'll need two things

#1 - Philp screw driver
#2 - A small flat head driver or small pry

First remove the spool device, now remove the protective spool cover. You'll have three tabs that you'll over to pry. I would suggest starting on the tabs on the inside under where you remove the spool, pry those two tabs and you should be able to remove the protective cover without worring about the other on the front of the weedeater. Now on one side of the weedeater you'll see 7 hole, down in those hole are philip screws. Remove them and remove the cover. That is it.

Kenny Dee, June 2007