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Simpson Encore 703 Overfilling?

On heavy duty cycle, machine intermittently fails to turn off water with the result that the machine overfills and floods. What is the most likely cause of this problem please? TIA ... Greg
gvm, May 2007
I am not sure about your exact model but I have the same problem on my old 166 model.
Pull the machine out so you have good access to the water solenoid valve at the rear of the machine, ie where the hoses are connected.
I turned to just before that stage of the cycle when the water should stop and ran the machine. I waited until the water was not stopping when it should have been, then I hit the area adjacent to the solenoid valve with a substantial steel bar. The water stopped! I think this means the solenoid is sticking. I will replace the whole valve assembly or maybe lubricate the solenoid plunger if I can get to it. Enjoy

Bruce Cunningham, July 2007
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