Bill, you need to remove the gas tank (there are six screwss I believe, and retrieve the old hose and filter from inside the tank. While you are at it, you might as well replace the filter and primer hose also. I would go to a repair shop and get tygon tubing (1/16th inch od). Feed the hose through the appropriate hole on the tank and out the fill
spout. Attach the filter and pull the line and filter into the tank. You should leave enough line so the filter will rest on the bottom of the tank when the trimmer is tipped. Then cut the line so there is an appropriate amount to attach to barb at the inlet to the carb. The primer line does not have to be as long, and there is no filter, so you can just feed the line into the tank and cut it appropriately. You should need anymore than about 18 inches of fuel line.
Charlie, July 2007