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Can i build a peak roof on my house trailer will structure withheld the wei?

My trailer is 1975 '12'by 60' Mountview Trailer,I would like to build a peak roof do you think it will withheld the weight?
Pauline Sanche, July 2007
depending on what shape your mobile home is in. is there termite dammage or bad support walls that will be holding the support, i would do a total covered roof of the mobile home and extra for the sides. it will pay off in the long run.

trish wood, July 2007
there should be more information with your question.
we have a 1974 - 12 x 60 that we just added 6 foot to as well as a 8 x 60 porch with a peak roof to. at the beginning you must make sure there is enough support to your mobile home. if not then make your peak roof over the entire mobile home with adding extra for sides to hold the support of the roof.

diana and tony, July 2007