I have just replaced inner bearing and seal on my sons Servis washer which was quite straightforward. Obviously you need to disconect power and water supply before taking off back panel. The belt can be slippped off and wiring to heating and thermostat elements noted before disconecting. The large pully wheel needs to be held or jammed whilst undoing nut holding it onto the drum shaft. Back of the drum can be pulled off shaft after clip and seal around it is realeased. After placing back of drum on two blocks of wood with dished side upwards bearing can be tapped out between gap between the two bits of wood. Tap out with socket bar estension or similar tool and lump hammer, it usually collapses but as it is shot it doesnt matter. Clean out inner face with wet and dry and put a touch of grease on face as well as a touch on new bearing before tapping in, hitting only the edge of the bearing and moving around it a little bit at a time until it seats properly. You will know it is seated by a distinct solid sound. You will have to replace the seal as well. Good luck.
jproctor, March 2005