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How to shut off the stupid buzzer (or make it quieter) on my Beaumark dryer?

I don't have a model # but it is a Beaumark Heavy Duty dryer. It's older and has a bell shaped sign on the front of it and underneath it says "signal" but it isn't a button so we can't turn off the buzzer which is abnoxiously loud and goes for about two minues. Can anyone help? Thanks!
Sarah, July 2007
You can pop the top off and locate the buzzer after pulling the plug.
Then wrap the blessed thing in a thick blanket of fiberglass, taped in to place.

If still too loud, then back to the buzzer and unplug the wires leading to it. You can cut them and blank the cut bits with wire twist on connectors. Tape the connectors on. And leave enough wire to change your mind later.
Beaumark was made for Simsons as a house brand.

Mark, July 2007