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ecu on punto 02reg?

hi i have a fiat punto 2002 02 plate i have had problems with it firstly being the eobd light (engine light) staying on got it checked out been told that the ecu needs changing..
had spark plugs and everything else checked...

1st question is it easy to change this?
can any garage change this? or can only fiat do this?

been quoted £350 for reconditioned ecu including labour

and £500 fro a brand new ecu including labour

personally i think they ripping me off as i have checked the net and seen i can pick ecu for punto for £140

is it a case of taking the ecu out and then taking the numbers off that so u know what number type ecu to get..

is it a case or taking one out and putting the new one in..

please help thanks..
daz, July 2007
how do I get the ecu unit out of my fiat punto

dave johnson, November 2016
Hi, I've just changed an ECU and coils on an 02 Punto 1.2 8 valve. It was easy, they self-program & come with instructions. Got them from ebay £175 inc p&p..

.....have a look to see what the parts are like if you are not sure what "bits" to look for under the bonnet

Punto ECU’s failure is originaly caused by the ignition coil spiking back to the ECU and blowing the coil drivers inside the ECU. When the ECU is changed the coils should be replaced at the same time to avoid any possible damage to the replacement ECU.
Disconnect neg battery wire (make sure you have radio/cd code number if it needs one to get it working afterwards.) Remove air filter, remove ECU which is at the rear of the throttle body, just take off the 2 lead retaining clips then pull off the leads. Use an allen (hex) key to undo the 2 bolts on the grey plate holding the ECU to the throttle body. Check the part number (it will probably be ECU IAW59F.M2 or M3) and order with coils from supplier. To remove the coils take off the 3 leads to each one, label so you know which goes back where, undo the 4 hex bolts for each coil with an allen key. Fitting is just the reverse.
These instructions came with my parts, just in case you don't get any from your supplier....
Turn on engine and allow to idle until it gets to working temp (80C) engine light will blink regularly, then rev to 5000rpm for 2 secs, idle for 2 secs then use rev & idle cycle again. It will take 3,4,5 cycles before the light stops blinking.. then its programmed & read to drive as normal.
I saved £300 compared to what the Fiat dealer wanted.
Good luck, Mick

mick, December 2008
yes i have looked at that site as well where they are only 125 to buy yet my garage is charging over 340 for the ecu to be replaced i would like to know if it is a simple case of taking the old one out and putting the new one in can anyone out there pls help us thanks
paula fiat punto 02 plate and cheesed off ....

paula, April 2008
link Click here to see other fixes for Fiat Punto.