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Mercedes 320 Engine not turning over?

As i was driving my engine started to lose power as i was driving up hill and ultimately came to a stop, i figured i must have ran out of petrol as it was closeish to the empty mark, i tried to start the car again and it started up but when i moved the car into drive it would stall, i eventually got towed to a garage and put some fuel in when i tried stating the car there was nothing not even an attempt to turn over.

havs anybody experienced this or know what the problem could be?

the model is below:

Mercedes Benz CLK 320 Sport 1999
Ben Osborne, July 2007
well it dont sound good to be honest does the starter motor try like does the engine move when you try tio start if it does it could well be dead sorry matey.

bob mechanic, July 2007
link Click here to see other fixes for Mercedes.