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frost-free freezer is full of ice at bottom?

I have a frost-free freezer which has just started filling with ice the door appears to be shuting correctly and the fridge is working fine. It's an GR 409 GPA and is over 5 years old.
The ice begins to build up after about 24-48 hours and after 5-7 days will stop the bottome drawer from moving if left a further couple of days the ice actully pushs the seal out and you get a subsequent pool of water as the ice near the front melts.
kathryn, July 2007
Switch freezer off.Take out all the trays. Undo the screws holding the back panel. remove the back panel. You will then find that the freezer coils which have been hidden by the back panel, are completely covered with ice. Get a hair dryer and melt all the ice off the coils . Ensure that the drain hole at the bottom of the back panel , is free of ice so that the water formed when the ice melts, can drain away. replace the back panel. put the trays back and switch the freezer on

Bartlington, April 2017
So am I (on a Bosch classic frost free) - I am in the process of major defrost and dry out as ice has formed on frost free gizmo - if this doesn't work I guess it's a bin job and either take out extended warranty next time or buy a good old fashioned one with no microprocessor!

Marc, August 2007
I don't know, but I'm having the same problem with my brand new whirlpool freezer-on-the-bottom freezer. wish i could find an answer!

becky moller, July 2007