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JCB M25 petrol Strimmer desperately need a new petrol cap?

The cap on my strimmer is cracked and leaking need to locate a new cap can you help please.
Roger Gould, July 2007
Ive been looking for a new cap for 12 months now will defo give asda a visit thanks

charlie, May 2013
I have just called Solent Tools and they are awaiting a delivery... they'll call me when they arrive...

Robin, June 2012
I have just phoned Solent Tools and they are waiting for a delivery of these replacement caps to arrive. They took my number and said they will call when in stock - £8.95 inc delivery. I think I'll try a slug pellet lid in the mean time.

Thanks for the advice on where to go.

Bruce, August 2011
Remember that the insides of the old cap have to be transferred to the Asda or similar slug pellet cap. Otherwise the strimmer will keep cutting out. Be carful removing parts as the white part can crack as I found out. If the cap is cracked and you have patience then an epoxy resin , funnily enough available at ASDA will seal the ca with a thin layer on the inside after removing the parts. Replacing when it is hard approx 24 hours. This product should however be regarded as "Not suitable for urpose" as it seems it is a common fault.

Patrick, July 2011
I looked every where .And made some phone calls to jcb on m25 strimmer petrol cap.Got no were for weeks .Then after an other call to jcb .Some nice lady called christine gave me a number to a .com. solent tools. Tele. 02380578057.They could me that they had it in stock right away At 7.85. With first class post. next day

paul donnelly, May 2011
Is the slug pellets with the cap on still available from asda I also need cap

Owen morris, April 2011
I would like to thank Ian, July 2010. the Asda slug pellets cap does indeed fit. Now £1.99, but hey, Ill take the 50p increase!!!

robacidgreen, April 2011
I have an M25 strimmer with a cracked cap and I phoned them today and they said they've never had the parts in stock to replace and can't help me. I now have a working strimmer with no cap.

Barbara, September 2010
Can I confirm which size of Doff's slugoids has the correct cap, also is the Asda slug pellets mentioned their own product or the Doff's product?
many thanks

Darren Jones - Autopia Service Centres, August 2010
I had same problem. Asda now selling slug pellets in a red container and the cap fits perfectly. Bargain at £1.50 (July 2010)

Ian, July 2010
I have the same problem. Where can I buy Doffs Slugoid slug pellets?

Jerry, May 2010
just to let any one know jcb are now saying it is a discontinued line and to try local garden centers they no longer have any good luck everyone

a steinberg hants, November 2009
Thankyou to Peter Horn for the solution for a replacement petrol cap.

Brian Bell, July 2009
Well I phoned the number and you get through to "Pulse Home Products"
To get a cap you need to keep the innards of your existing cap and send them a cheque for £5.50 with an accompanying letter saying that you know that you need to keep the internals of your old cap. The address is Pulse Home Products, Vine Mill, Middleton Road, Royton, Oldham. OL2 5LM Make the cheque to "Pulse Home Products"

Paul Humphreys, July 2009
i replaced my jcb fuel cap with lid off a doffs slugoid slug pellet bottle exactly the same thread -

Pete Horn, August 2007
A Big thank you for adding the Tel number for J.C.B. I have been trying to fix my petrol cap for some time,with no luck,may I add.You must be right about the cap being a weak point of the trimmer.
Thank You

Karl, July 2007
I had the same problem so when I saw your plea for help I decided it must be a common problem so I contacted JCB and
told them about my perished cap and said I'd been on the internet and seen that other people had the same problem. They immediately said that they would replace the cap and sent me a new one free of charge. Number is ; 0845 602 1381

Ken, July 2007
link Click here to see other fixes for JCB M25.