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1978 Aqua Magic toilet leaks. We need to get the top off?

1978 Aqua Magic toilet leaks. We need to get the top off.
Does anyone know how to do this?
Sam, July 2007
Thank you so much for the help. We could not figure it out.They sure didn't make it easy to repair. The only thing I would add is that you need a VERY long extension, say 16" we ended up hooking a couple long ones together to be able to reach it. It worked good when we found enough extensions to do it.

steve, August 2010
does anyone have an answer yet on getting the top off of the toilet

jared, August 2009
Thank you....worked like a charm

Bill, June 2009
There is a nut behind the foot pedal if you hold it down... and the other nut is way down in a hole on the upper left side of the toilet,,, you will need a flashlight and a long extension

Dale, May 2008
Please let me know if you got a answer I have the same prodlem Thanks EM pgrant3@carolina.rr.com

phil, September 2007